Partners help each other undress before sex,
However, after sex they always dress on thier own.
Moral of the story "in life, no one helps you...once you're screwed".
When a lady is pregnant,
All her friend touch the stomach and saying "congratssss".
But , none of them come and touch the "man's" and say "good job"
Moral of the story "Hard work is never appreciated"
kadang-kadang bahasa yang tersirat itu agak sukar difaham berbanding yang tersurat....
ReplyDeletesuke yg simple truth 2 :)
ReplyDeletehaha..sengal..tapi boleh diterima..:)
ReplyDeleteyg tersirat di sampaikan dgn apa yg benar2 terjadi kan.. supaya kita berfikir tentang apa yg nk disampaikan
ReplyDeletehahha...makan dalam tu..hahaha
ReplyDeletebetul jugak ye
ReplyDeletehaha mesej berbentuk luch tapi bermakna...!
ReplyDeleteTak lucah tapi bernas dan menghiburkan,,intelligent jokes..
ReplyDeleteHahahaa...Betul 100%! When finished you have to put on the clothes yourself! haha...
ReplyDeletehahahak makan dalam kot yang last tu kahkahkah
ReplyDeletexbleyh blah btoll..hahaha=)
ReplyDeleteaku tk paham la b.i ni bro..bhsa melayu dia apa.. kih kih kih
ReplyDeleteaduhai, geletek naluri tol...=D
ReplyDeletebunyik macam lucah..tapi mmg lucah pon.haha
ReplyDeletelucah dan bermotivasi ahhaahh :P
ReplyDeletepergghhh......ade2 saje
ReplyDelete'mendalam' makna dia..
ReplyDeleteso nice content ur blog!