LIVE STREAMING DEBAT PTPTN KHAIRY JAMALUDDIN VS RAFIZI RAMLI 22 MEI 2012| TV ONLINE | SIARAN LANGSUNG DEBAT PTPTN KHAIRI JAMALUDDIN VS RAFIZI RAMLI 22 MEI 2012. Sebelum ini dah banyak kita saksikan debat antara ahli politik tanah air, yang paling kita ingat ialah debat Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim vs Datuk Shabery Chik dan yang terakhir antara Ketua Menteri Pulau Pinang Lim Guan Eng vs Datuk Chua Soi Lek (Presiden MCA).
Namun pada malam ini senarionya berlainan sedikit kerana melibatkan dua pemimpin muda yang boleh saya katakan berani, berkaliber dan merupakan pemimpin politik masa depan negara. Insyallah satu sejarah akan terpahat dan satu tamadun baru dunia politik M'sia akan tercipta.Insyallah.Sama2 kita doakan. LIVE STREAMING DEBAT PTPTN KHAIRY JAMALUDDIN VS RAFIZI RAMLI 22 MEI 2012| TV ONLINE | SIARAN LANGSUNG DEBAT PTPTN KHAIRI JAMALUDDIN VS RAFIZI RAMLI 22 MEI 2012 boleh ditonton melalui seperti link yang saya sediakan di bawah.
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Very frustrating as both are not objective on the issue of free education and how to resolve all the debts. Expect both are who suppose to be expert in their parties should have good approach on the issue.
ReplyDeleteBy right both should look onto how to make the collection better and efficient from 10% today to 50% so that country we will have more money for development and can give more opportunities for new generation. But frustrating that both talking and give opinion like small immature and uneducated person.
Country needs people who can make country efficient but instead we gave politician have same mentality as those not going to school. No vision and mission.
Country will doom one day so sad
aku tengok semalam, dorang lebih membincangkan sejarah dan punca masalah tapi tak tumpukan cara untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut. Politician is always politician *sigh